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3M Window Tinting on a 2021 Chevy Equinox for patient with rare skin condition.


We recently provided a pro bono tint job on a 2021 Chevy Equinox for a very special client.

There is a rare skin disease that affects about 1 in 1,000,000 people in the United States, called Xeroderma Pigmentosum, or XP. It is an inherited disorder that causes a heightened vulnerability to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. People with XP experience high levels of sensitivity to sunlight. They must take extreme measures to protect themselves from the sun at all times – we’re talking complete head to toe UV protective clothing. Even very brief exposures to UV light can cause tremendous damage to their skin. Anything that emits UV light, including some lightbulbs, can potentially harm them. Essentially, XP patients’ skin is unable to protect itself from UV damage, which elevates their skin cancer risk approximately 10,000 fold. Most children who have XP develop skin cancer before reaching 10 years of age. At an even younger age, children with XP can have pre-cancerous growths on their skin.

We recently got the chance to help out an individual afflicted with XP by donating our labor and 3M automotive solar-control window films for their 2021 Chevrolet Equinox. We covered all the windows on this vehicle with our 3M Ceramic IR window film. This product blocks 99.9% of UVA and UVB rays and has an SPF factor of up to 1000. 3M automotive solar-control window films are recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation for their outstanding UV blocking properties. Here at Elite Solar-Control Window Tinting, we offer a wide range of 3M products that can mitigate UV damage and infrared heat from the sun.

3M has been donating their window films to people afflicted with XP for well over 20 years and as Portland’s authorized 3M dealer, we at Elite Solar-Control Window Tinting were happy to help out as well.
For more information about our 3M films and services visit us at or call us at 503-659-TINT.
XP Family Support Group is a great non-profit organization that supports XP patients, connects them with services that can help them deal with having XP and offers guidance for UV protection products like 3M Window films.

Visit them and learn more at