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2022 Rivian-R1T 3M Obsidian Series

Welcome to Elite Solar Control LLC, where we specialize in providing the highest quality paint protection film and window tinting services for Rivian owners in Portland, OR. With over two decades of experience, our dedication to excellence and commitment to using advanced 3M products have made us the premier choice for automotive care in the region. We are here to protect and enhance your vehicle, ensuring it maintains its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity with our expert Rivian paint protection film.

Expert Paint Protection Film Services for Your Rivian

At Elite Solar Control LLC, we specialize in applying high-quality car paint protection film to shield your Rivian from wear and tear:

  • Ultimate Defense with 3M™ Scotchgard™ – We utilize 3M™ Scotchgard™ paint protection film to provide a robust, invisible layer of protection against road debris, abrasions, and weathering. This technology is meticulously designed to preserve your vehicle’s paintwork, ensuring it maintains its value and aesthetic appeal for years to come.
  • Precision Application for Optimal Protection – Our application process is carried out with the utmost precision by our expert team, ensuring comprehensive coverage without compromising the vehicle’s aesthetics. This detailed approach ensures the longevity of the protection film, offering peace of mind that your Rivian is well-protected.
  • Maintaining Aesthetic Appeal – The virtually invisible nature of our automotive paint protection film means that the beauty of your Rivian is not only preserved but enhanced. This ensures that the vehicle’s original color and finish are maintained, free from scratches and chips that can occur from daily exposure to the elements.

Window Tinting: Combining Style With Functionality

Our window tinting services provide both aesthetic and functional benefits for your Rivian:

  • Stylish Protection – Our solar control window film not only enhances the visual appeal of your Rivian but also protects its interior from harmful UV rays and excessive heat. With a variety of tinting options available, you can customize your vehicle’s look while ensuring the longevity of its interior fabrics and surfaces.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Privacy – By reducing glare and heat, our window films significantly improve the driving experience, providing a cooler and more private cabin environment. This reduction in heat penetration also contributes to greater fuel efficiency by minimizing the reliance on air conditioning.
  • Safety and Security – Beyond comfort and aesthetics, window tinting also enhances the safety and security of your Rivian. The film helps to hold shattered glass together in the event of an accident, providing an extra layer of protection for passengers. Additionally, the increased privacy helps to deter potential theft by concealing valuables from view.

Beyond Paint Protection & Window Tinting

Elite Solar Control LLC offers a comprehensive suite of services to care for your Rivian, going beyond traditional paint protection and window tinting:

  • Customized Care Plans – Recognizing the unique needs of each Rivian and its owner, we tailor our services to provide personalized care. Whether your focus is on enhancing the vehicle’s appearance, improving comfort, or providing maximum protection, we have the expertise to meet your specific requirements.
  • Advanced Solutions Using Cutting-Edge Technology – Our commitment to utilizing the latest advancements in automotive protection technology means that your Rivian benefits from the most effective and durable solutions available. Our dedication to quality ensures that we offer the best service possible, keeping your vehicle in pristine condition.

Choose Elite Solar Control LLC for Unmatched Quality & Service

Opting for Elite Solar Control LLC means choosing a partner dedicated to the care and preservation of your Rivian. Our team’s extensive experience, coupled with our focus on customer satisfaction and the use of superior 3M products, sets us apart as the leading automotive care specialist for Rivian owners in Portland, OR.

Connect With Elite Solar Control LLC

Enhance and protect your Rivian with the expert services offered by Elite Solar Control LLC. Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive care plans or to schedule an appointment. Trust your vehicle to the professionals at Elite Solar Control LLC, where we’re committed to providing the ultimate in protection and care.

Call us today at 503-659-8468 for expert installation!